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Weekly Reflection: Week One Hundred Three
Today marks the end of my one-hundred-third week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week one hundred three:
- Two years of posting daily – I’ve been writing daily posts for two consecutive years. That’s almost 750 consecutive posts. I’ve grown a ton from this habit. I’m looking forward to another year plus of it.
- Mentality – I spent this week thinking about and discussing the importance of mentality —that is one’s outlook.How you think about things manifests in your actions and ultimately your outcomes.
- Inbox zero – I’ve been working toward every-day inbox zero for all my inboxes. Achieving it is hard but maintaining it is even harder. This daily exercise has a huge impact on my productivity and focus. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m consistently at inbox zero with one inbox. NowI’ll focus on achieving it for my other inboxes too.
Week one hundred three was long and busy. I got a lot of things done, so the effort paid off. I’m looking forward to repeating this next week.
Weekly Reflection: Week One Hundred Two
Today marks the end of my one-hundred-second week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week one hundred two:
- In person – I attended a few in-person meetings this week. People are full of energy and excitement. I think this spring will be high energy and high activity. We will likely see a lot of pent-up demand released.
- Behind – I wanted to complete some priority things this week. I was productive, but I didn’t get everything on my to-do list done. Things are busier than I expected—but I’ve got to get more stuff done.
Week one hundred two was busy, but I was disappointed I didn’t move the needle as much as I’d planned. Looking forward to next week.
Weekly Reflection: Week One Hundred One
Today marks the end of my one-hundred-first week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week one hundred one:
- Perspectives – I love getting different perspectives on things I’m thinking about. I always learn something or am made aware of something I hadn’t considered. This week, other people’s perspectives were helpful.
- First quarter – We’ve got fewer than thirty days left in Q1. The year is flying by. I want to make the most of the rest of the quarter.
- Forest – This week, I spent time thinking about things from a higher level and talking them over with others. It was refreshing. It reminded me that it’s important to stop from time to time and make sure I can still see the forest for the trees.
Week one hundred one was busy and productive. Looking forward to next week.
Weekly Reflection: Week One Hundred
Today marks the end of my one-hundredth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week one hundred:
- February – Monday is the last day of the month. The first two months of 2022 have gone by quickly.
- Perseverance – This week was a reminder that perseverance pays off. When things look uncertain or bleak, perseverance can help you get to the other side.
- Atlanta founders – I met with a number of founders today. Thanks to them, I realized once again that Atlanta has smart, interesting founders who will likely build some amazing companies.
Week one hundred was steady. Looking forward to week one hundred one!
Weekly Reflection: Week Ninety-Nine
Today marks the end of my ninety-ninth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week ninety-nine:
- Gratitude – There’s always something we don’t have. There are always people who have more. Taking time to recognize what I do have (that many don’t) always helps me put things in perspective and be grateful.
- Team preference – The past few weeks were a reminder of how much more I can accomplish with help from others.
- 2022 – I think this year will be memorable in many ways.
Week ninety-nine was steady. Looking forward to week one hundred!
Weekly Reflection: Week Ninety-Eight
Today marks the end of my ninety-eighth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week ninety-eight:
- Firsts – I can always tell when I encounter a first. It’s slightly uncomfortable but also a great learning experience. This week was a reminder of that—it was a week of firsts.
- Priorities – I heard from an entrepreneur how changing societal priorities are affecting his ability to recruit and retain talent. I’ve been thinking about this a lot. We may be seeing a shift in what matters to people, which could have a big impact on society.
Week ninety-eight was another lively one. I experienced a few new things and learned a ton.
Weekly Reflection: Week Ninety-Seven
Today marks the end of my ninety-seventh week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week ninety-seven:
- Big vision – A few years ago, I had an idea and a vision for it. Others thought it was too big, not possible. This week they realized that my vision is possible and there’s a clear path to get there. Excited to see how this develops.
- February – This month started off at a brisk pace. I have some good stuff lined up, and I’m looking forward to the rest of this month. I think it will be a great one.
- Alignment – When people are aligned on the end game, it’s easier to trust one another. You may not agree on how to get there, but because you’re aligned on the destination, you’re more likely to try each other’s approaches. When alignment isn’t there, neither is trust. This week reminded me that alignment is important.
Week ninety-seven was a lively one. It kept me on my toes. Lots of good things came together or started coming together.
Weekly Reflection: Week Ninety-Six
Today marks the end of my ninety-sixth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week ninety-six:
- Iterative learning – This week was a reminder that getting to the ideal state of something is an iterative process that isn’t guaranteed to be smooth.
- January – Monday is the last business day of January—this month has flown by! This year is beginning very differently than 2021: we’re hitting the ground running. Last year, things ramped up slowly.
- Habits – Sticking with my new daily habits has been working well. It will take time, but I’m starting to see some of these habits produce positive results.
Week ninety-six was a busy week that required me to juggle competing priorities. I’m looking forward to next week being more normal.
Weekly Reflection: Week Ninety-Five
Today marks the end of my ninety-fifth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week ninety-five:
- Atlanta – I had great conversations with various people about new initiatives happening in Atlanta around start-ups and entrepreneurship. The city is on an upward trajectory. I’m excited to be part of it and can’t wait to see where Atlanta is in ten years. I foresee Atlanta as being the internationally recognized capital of the Southeast and known for inclusive entrepreneurship.
- Beginner’s mindset – Another investor I respect shared this term with me a few months ago. It’s hard to disregard what you know and have experienced when looking at opportunities, but since then I’ve been more aware of this mindset and more intentional about looking at things from a fresh perspective. Talking with credible people this week about things I’m researching was a good way to induce a beginner’s mindset.
- Energizing chats – I had a few great chats this week. Some personal, some business, some a mix of both. They were helpful and energizing. It’s always enjoyable to connect with good people.
Week ninety-five was a high-activity week. I got a lot done—but still have a lot to do next week.
Weekly Reflection: Week Ninety-Four
Today marks the end of my ninety-fourth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week ninety-four:
- More current learning – Learning new things is important to me. And reading books is one of my favorite ways to learn. One problem: the pace of change in the world is accelerating, and books aren’t always up-to-date. This week I spent time thinking about other ways I can learn more current information efficiently.
- Habits – I implemented some new habits this week. Some went well, while others will take more work. I’m confident they’re the right habits, but it will take time for them to become second nature.
Week ninety-four was productive and steady. Looking forward to keeping up the momentum next week.