
Connected Ideas Adds Value to Others

This week, an entrepreneur friend gave me feedback on a blog and podcast series I did on a biography. He said the posts resonated with him because of the insights I shared. Connecting the dots between different people and periods was helpful and would be hard for him to do himself. And because the insights derive from the experiences of people who did what he’s attempting to do, but on a massive scale, they’re more valuable because the people’s outcomes make them more credible.

I appreciate my friend giving me his candid feedback. The books I read are available to everyone, so it surprises me when people value the connections I make between ideas in different books. Because I discovered those connections, I assume others have also done so, or could have. But I’m learning that’s not common. I suppose this is because of the effort required to find important ideas in the sea of unstructured text that is books. And because of the dispersed nature of books.

My takeaway is to lean more into sharing the connections between ideas in various books. It’s tremendously valuable to entrepreneurs.