
Entrepreneurship Is a Mental Game

I was asked to give my input on a program being developed to help diverse Atlanta entrepreneurs. I’m excited about the program and can’t wait for it to launch. The creators asked me a tough question: “What mental challenges do founders face?” The fact that they’re thinking about this and wanting to help founders address these challenges is encouraging.

Here are a few things I shared:

  • Release – Founders should understand the one thing they enjoy and need outside of work to be the best version of themselves. It could be exercising, playing video games, attending sporting events or live concerts, or anything else. Whatever your thing is, make it a priority so you’ll have a mental release.
  • Imposter syndrome – Founders are constantly in environments and situations where they feel they’re unqualified and unprepared to handle whatever’s going on. They often fear failing or being exposed to others as a fraud. This is normal and usually unfounded. Most people know entrepreneurs have gaps but still root them on. Not because they’re perfect or have all the answers, but because they have the courage to try to do something great.
  • Benchmarking – Founders will sometimes compare themselves to their peers. This is a mental trap. Everyone’s circumstances are different. Timing also plays a huge role in success. Just because someone else is succeeding and you aren’t doesn’t mean you won’t ever. Be happy for them and know your time will come.

There are lots of other mental challenges, but these are a few that I think many founders have had to overcome. Entrepreneurship is a mental game. Going into the game knowing what to expect can . . . well, be a game changer. Entrepreneurs will be able to be more proactive than reactive during their journey. I’m excited to hear that diverse founders will get help with the mental side of entrepreneurship!