
How Discovery Could Change Education

I previously shared my thoughts on how more people are taking control of educating themselves and how future generations’ education will be radically different. Information is more readily available and distributed than ever before. Credible people can now talk directly to the people who want to consume their teachings. While democratization of information is positive, it does present a new challenge: how do you find the information that will be valuable to you?

I regularly listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos. Many are up to an hour long. I often don’t have the time to consume the entire episode in one sitting; it takes two or three. Many times, I’m not interested in significant parts of the conversation. Some of the YouTube channels I subscribe to include a table of contents, so I can jump to the exact minute/second mark of the interview that has the information I want to hear. Most don’t, though, and I end up listening to lots of content I could have done without. It’s also hard to go back and find the relevant information unless I take a detailed note of the exact minute/second mark in my personal notes.

Today I listened to a founder who’s trying to solve this problem. He’s helping people find relevant information on long-form content platforms faster.

This is a great next step and could transform how people learn. If more people can find the information they care about and consume it faster, the speed at which people are able to self-educate could drastically increase. People learning faster could have broad implications for society and help close some historical gaps.

I’m excited about what this founder is building and can’t wait to watch his journey.