
If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

I met with a technical founder who spent seven years at a big tech company that’s a household name. I was surprised to learn that he spent a lot of his time rebuilding decade-old systems. The company worked on those systems only when it had to. On the outside, this company is cutting-edge, but internally, not so much . . . but the public would never know. The founder said the company didn’t grow to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars by fixing things that worked perfectly fine.

This reminded me of my time in corporate America. I learned then that some of the most well-known organizations have antiquated systems or processes. Not pretty, but things still worked, and that’s what mattered most. If it wasn’t broken, they weren’t in a rush to replace it.

Early founders should remember that good enough is all you need in the early days. Get something working and pushed out. You needn’t worry about using the latest and greatest technology or building something perfect, because those aren’t always the best use of resources. In many cases, done is better than perfect.

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