July 30, 2024
Last Week’s Struggles and Lessons (Week Ending 7/28/24)
Current Project: Reading books about entrepreneurs and sharing what I learned from them via blog posts and audio podcasts
Mission: Create a library of wisdom from notable entrepreneurs that current entrepreneurs can leverage to increase their chances of success
What I struggled with:
- I struggled to create the upcoming series on Felix Dennis. The problem was that the biography focused deeply on Dennis’s personal side and was surface level on his career as an entrepreneur. I had a hard time creating a series about his entrepreneurial journey that satisfied my curiosity and met my expectations.
What I learned:
- I’m getting comfortable with the quality of the content. Before, I wasn’t happy with the preceding week’s work, but I knew I was getting better. I’m still not satisfied with the quality, but it’s good enough that I’m comfortable sharing it outside my immediate circle.
- Reaching out to people individually to make them aware that a series was published had a material impact on the number of listens for the John H. Johnson series. This won’t scale, but I want to do this strategically going forward.
- Don't read books that don’t resonate with me after fifty pages. If the first fifty pages don’t discuss what I care about in someone’s journey, the rest of the book won’t either. I knew this already, but I didn’t follow it for the Felix Dennis biography.
- When I’m picking which book to read for the week, I should factor in the book’s quality or story. I’ve been weighing the length of the book too heavily. A shorter book takes me longer to read if I’m not into it.
Those are my struggles and learnings from the week!
Prefer listening? Catch audio versions of these blog posts, with more context added, on Apple Podcasts here or Spotify here!
Connected Entrepreneurs
Connected Books
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