August 18, 2024
Last Week’s Struggles and Lessons (Week Ending 8/18/24)
Current Project: Reading books about entrepreneurs and sharing what I learned from them via blog posts and audio podcasts
Mission: Create a library of wisdom from notable entrepreneurs that current entrepreneurs can leverage to increase their chances of success
What I struggled with:
- No material struggles this past week.
What I learned:
- It takes much more work to turn an excellent entrepreneurial journey into a compelling blog post and audio podcast series that resonates with others if it was captured poorly in a biography. Sometimes it’s worth it, and sometimes it’s not.
- Newsletters are another way to distribute what I’m learning from books.
- I’ve learned in feedback sessions that most listeners multitask when they listen to the podcast. Therefore, sometimes they don’t make connections between what I’m sharing from a book to their situation. When I talk with them individually, I make the connection for them, and it changes their perspective on that podcast series. I could do a better job of connecting the dots in my recordings. I could share examples from my experiences or hypothetical ones. That might kick-start listeners to generate their own ideas on how to apply what they’re hearing.
- Reading and digest creation are habits I need to do daily because they build the library. A high-quality library is the most valuable component. As the library expands, its value increases.
- I need to consistently capture my insights, personal experiences, and links to stories of other entrepreneurs in each digest.
Those are my struggles and learnings from the week!