
My Reading Failure

I have a goal to read a biography or autobiography every week. I set the goal in April and have been pretty good about it, especially the last two months. But this past week, I didn’t finish the biography I was reading, Master of the Game: Steve Ross and the Creation of Time Warner by Connie Bruck.

I got annoyed with myself when I realized I wasn’t going to finish in time. Looking back, I probably could have if I’d been more strategic with my time earlier in the week. To compensate, I spent extra time reading this past weekend and accepted the failure. It is what it is—but I definitely don’t want this to become my norm. I enjoy reading and have benefited tremendously from this habit since I set my goal in April.

This week is pretty busy, but I want to finish the book I’m reading plus a new one. It’s aggressive, but I think it can be done.

Wish me luck!

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