
Plan for the Unexpected

This week, an entrepreneur told me about a real estate project he’s finishing. He shared that he ran into several delays and other hurdles that he didn’t anticipate. Because of them, he had to adjust how he funded the project to give himself enough runway to complete it. The project looks great and is projected to do well financially.

During our chat, I asked him about the projected completion timeline versus what played out. He planned for the project to take a little over a year, and it ended up taking twice as long. The only reason he was able to complete the project instead of being forced to abandon it was that he personally had the cash to see it to completion.

In the end, it should all work out for this entrepreneur. His situation reminded me of a lesson I learned the hard way as an early-stage founder. When I’m doing something difficult, unforeseen events will cause things to take twice as long as I thought they would. Building in enough runway to support things taking twice as long should be part of my plan.