
Students Pushing an Emerging Space

Today I had a great chat with three university students. The trio are passionate about an emerging space, and they recognized that other students are too. They rallied other students and founded a club for people interested in this space. This club is now a few hundred students strong. This momentum has forced faculty and administration to take notice. The club is officially recognized by the university, and the administration is looking at ways to develop curriculum to better prepare students to enter this emerging space.

These three students have their fingers squarely on the pulse of an emerging market. They see the potential in it even though the masses haven’t yet recognized the momentum behind this movement.

I loved talking with these students. They’re hustling to make things happen and forcing the powers that be to acknowledge their momentum. These students are likely on to something, and I can’t wait to see the next chapter of their journey. They might not recognize it, but I suspect this trio are entrepreneurs in the making.