
Takeaway from Weekend Social Gatherings

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend two unrelated social gatherings on the same day. They were hosted by great families who happened to be at opposite ends of the economic spectrum. The hosts’ cultural backgrounds were different from each other’s and from mine, and they lived in different parts of Atlanta.

Everyone I encountered at both events was great, and I’m appreciative of the invites. I learned things about a culture I’m not familiar with, tasted new foods (which were amazing), and met interesting people from cultures different than my own.

The weekend reconfirmed something I’ve known for some time. I get a lot out of my time around good people with experiences and backgrounds different from mine. I really enjoy it. It helps me understand other people’s perspectives, which doesn’t come naturally to me. It’s also a fun and interesting way for me to learn about new cultures, experience unfamiliar traditions, and acquire wisdom not available in my usual circles.

Living in a bubble isn’t for me. I enjoy meeting a variety of people and having new experiences.

Connected Books
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