
Thoughts on Workflow Changes

I spent the last week making significant changes—which I shared two days ago—to how I work on my personal project. The first was to my recording frequency. I decided to test recording an entire series in a single day instead of one part every day for five consecutive days. And I spent an additional day editing. The second change was in how I determine what content will be included in each audio podcast episode. I was reading my blog post and eyeballing what extra context I’d add to the recording. Now I’ve begun adding (to drafts of my blog posts) bullet points of the context I want to add to my audio recordings..

Today I finished publishing the audio podcast series on John H. Johnson using this new approach. A few thoughts:

  • Adding recording context by enhancing the blog posts was a positive move. This series sounds more concise, and the value per minute to the listener feels high (I’m biased, though). It took longer this week, and it was annoying having to manage various versions of the blog post, but I think with time I’ll see how the time is reduced.
  • The editing time for parts 1 and 2 was still high. Parts 3 and 4 took less time, and part 5 significantly less. I’m not sure if this is a function of my getting progressively better during recording. I need to do more to confirm this. I want to reduce the length of the raw recordings by 40% to 50% and the editing time by 50% to 75%.
  • I didn’t like recording an entire series in a single day and then editing it the next day. That was draining. It did help make the overall story of the series flow better and be more cohesive, though.
  • I like the idea of recording, editing, and publishing daily. Maybe I’ll end up doing something that’s a hybrid. Record daily, edit every other day, and publish once per week. I’m not sure if that’s feasible or not, but I do know that what I did this past week doesn’t work for my personality long term.

Overall, this is directionally accurate, but I’ll need to keep tweaking until I nail my content format and the process of creating it.

I was encouraged this week when I realized I’m close to the 100-episode goal! That will be a milestone I’ll definitely celebrate. It’s been a challenging journey, and when I started this in April, 100 episodes seemed like an audacious goal. But here I am, not far from it. As I marched, the path got clearer.

Prefer listening? Catch audio versions of these blog posts, with more context added, on Apple Podcasts here or Spotify here!

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