
Today I Taught: Start It Up Georgia

Today I taught the inaugural lesson lab for Start It Up Georgia. This twelve-week virtual program introduces participants to all facets of starting a business, from testing an idea to forming a company to operating the business. Participants are matched with mentors who help them turn what they learn in each week’s lesson lab into actionable steps. The goal is to help aspiring entrepreneurs understand what it takes to be successful and educate them about the steps they should take to make entrepreneurship their reality.

When I was asked to teach the course, I wasn’t sure that I could make the time commitment. In the end I said yes, and I’m glad I did. My topic today was Entrepreneurship: Do You Have What It Takes? More than 340 people attended. I was shocked! I’ve never taught so many people. The team at Atlanta Teach Village did a great job making sure the event ran smoothly and successfully.

I appreciate being offered the opportunity to teach and hope I was able to inspire others to pursue entrepreneurship. It’s exciting to be part of something with so much potential and I’m looking forward to seeing what new companies come out of it!