
Weekly Reflection: Week Eighty

Today marks the end of my eightieth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week eighty:

  • Connecting – Had an opportunity to connect with folks in person this week. It was good, and it energized me. Zoom is time efficient, but face-to-face conversations can’t be replaced.
  • New beginnings – I spoke with a few people this week who are starting new chapters. It feels like lots of people are starting or getting ready to start new things. I’m excited to support them and can’t wait to see where they end up.
  • Feedback – I continued connecting with friends to get feedback on things I’m thinking about. I’m very thankful that I have people in my circle I can count on for great perspectives.  

Week eighty was an energizing week. The quarter is off to a good start. Looking forward to continuing the pace next week.

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