
Weekly Reflection: Week Eighty-One

Today marks the end of my eighty-first week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week eighty-one:

  • Leaning in – I’ve had pretty good gut instincts historically but don’t always listen to them. This week, I reminded myself to trust my gut more and be more intuitive.
  • Closing window of opportunity – I’ve written about this. This week, I had a great chat with a friend about it, which reminded me that I need to treat opportunities with closing windows as top priorities.
  • Pace – This week was busy. And full of lots of good things too. The rest of October will probably be supremely busy because of how much there is to get done before the holidays.

Week eighty-one was a hectic week, but a good one. I’m getting myself ready for this to continue for the next few weeks.