
Weekly Reflection: Week Fifty

Today marks the end of my fiftieth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week fifty:

  • 365 consecutive posts – I’ve been sharing my thoughts via daily posts for a year. That’s a long time. Never would have dreamed I could do something like this. I’m going to reflect on everything I’ve learned from this experience.
  • Time blocks This week I had more blocks of concentrated time available, which was helpful. I was able to make progress on some things that require deep thought. Too often, I block out time on my calendar . . . and then fill it with meetings! I need to do a better job of not doing that.
  • Learning – I’ve begun working on some things I don’t have experience in. It’s making me a bit uncomfortable, but I want to close this gap, so I’m leaning in. Looking forward to a time when I’ll know what I’m doing and feel confident and comfortable.

Week fifty was fast-paced. Next week is likely to be, too—I (happily) anticipate making progress in some areas that are important to me.

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