
Weekly Reflection: Week Forty-Eight

Today marks the end of my forty-eighth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week forty-eight:

  • February – February was a busy month. January felt like an off month—for me and most people I know. We just weren’t as active as usual. But February was different. Most people I spoke with felt like things returned to normal. Looking ahead a bit, I’m anticipating a busy summer.
  • Deals – This week Terminus raised $90 million at around a $400 million valuation. Another huge deal for a great Atlanta company. I know there are rumblings about the sustainability of valuations, but I think this trend will continue.
  • Valuations – I’ve had a few conversations about valuations this past week. Not just of start-ups, but all asset classes. This topic seems to be top of mind for many people. Not sure what will happen, but I’m confident it will be watched closely all year.

Week forty-eight was a productive one. I worked at a brisk pace, and I feel like I closed the month out on a high note. Looking forward to March.