
Weekly Reflection: Week Ninety-Five

Today marks the end of my ninety-fifth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week ninety-five:

  • Atlanta – I had great conversations with various people about new initiatives happening in Atlanta around start-ups and entrepreneurship. The city is on an upward trajectory. I’m excited to be part of it and can’t wait to see where Atlanta is in ten years. I foresee Atlanta as being the internationally recognized capital of the Southeast and known for inclusive entrepreneurship.
  • Beginner’s mindset – Another investor I respect shared this term with me a few months ago. It’s hard to disregard what you know and have experienced when looking at opportunities, but since then I’ve been more aware of this mindset and more intentional about looking at things from a fresh perspective. Talking with credible people this week about things I’m researching was a good way to induce a beginner’s mindset.
  • Energizing chats – I had a few great chats this week. Some personal, some business, some a mix of both. They were helpful and energizing. It’s always enjoyable to connect with good people.

Week ninety-five was a high-activity week. I got a lot done—but still have a lot to do next week.

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