
Weekly Reflection: Week Ninety-Seven

Today marks the end of my ninety-seventh week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week ninety-seven:

  • Big vision – A few years ago, I had an idea and a vision for it. Others thought it was too big, not possible. This week they realized that my vision is possible and there’s a clear path to get there. Excited to see how this develops.
  • February – This month started off at a brisk pace. I have some good stuff lined up, and I’m looking forward to the rest of this month. I think it will be a great one.
  • Alignment – When people are aligned on the end game, it’s easier to trust one another. You may not agree on how to get there, but because you’re aligned on the destination, you’re more likely to try each other’s approaches. When alignment isn’t there, neither is trust. This week reminded me that alignment is important.

Week ninety-seven was a lively one. It kept me on my toes. Lots of good things came together or started coming together.