
Weekly Reflection: Week One Hundred Fifty

This is my one-hundred-fiftieth weekly reflection. Here are my takeaways from this week:

  • Truth tellers Some people tell it like it is. They don’t sugarcoat things. They candidly share what they see and think about situations. People like this are valuable because they’ll say what others are often thinking but won’t say.
  • Emerging markets – I had a great chat with two emerging venture capital fund managers investing in emerging markets—specifically, LATAM and Africa. I was intrigued and now want to learn more about early-stage entrepreneurship in these markets.
  • Outsiders – There’s something to be said for people who’ve accomplished greatness after starting as outsiders. They tend to have fought their way into the position they’re in. They’ve traveled further than others. Their ability to learn faster than other people has usually been key to their outsize success.

Week one hundred fifty was a positive week. Looking forward to next week!