
Weekly Reflection: Week One Hundred Five

Today marks the end of my one-hundred-fifth week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week one hundred five:

  • Insular communities – I thought about this and had some good conversations about it this week. My thoughts are still evolving on this topic, and it’s something I want to figure out how to solve for.
  • Quarter end – The first quarter went by quickly. Lots of good things happened last quarter, and I have more great things planned for the second quarter. This should be a good year.
  • Positive momentum – Had a great chat with a buddy about responding to positive momentum. Some people pull back, but those who do great things build on positive momentum, and it has a compounding effect over time. The chat was a good reminder to not let up—to push, even when things are already going your way.

Week one hundred five was a week of catch-up. I’m all caught up now and looking forward to a busy April.

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