
Weekly Reflection: Week One Hundred Sixty-Nine

This is my one-hundred-sixty-ninth weekly reflection. Here are my takeaways from this week:

  • Schedule experiment – I’m almost two months into my schedule experiment. It’s no longer an experiment. It’s a habit now. Dedicating more time daily to reading to acquire knowledge led to my realizing that I was approaching reading the wrong way. I spent time learning how to be intentional about reading, and I began implementing a new approach this week. The early results are impressive. This could have a big impact on me going forward.
  • Compounding – Most people think about interest and money in connection with compounding. But it applies to much more in life than money.
  • Closing windows of opportunity – Some opportunities won’t be around forever. This week was a reminder to make opportunities with expiration dates—in all aspects of life—priorities. I may not know when they’ll expire, but I know they will and that I need to make the most of them while I can.

Week one hundred sixty-nine was a short but productive week. Looking forward to next week!

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