
Weekly Reflection: Week Seventy-Two

Today marks the end of my seventy-second week of working from home (mostly). Here are my takeaways from week seventy-two:

  • No – This week, I’ve been told no and I’ve told others no. In my personal and professional lives. It’s not easy to say it or hear it. This week was a reminder of that.
  • Conviction This was top of mind last week, and it still is. I’m considering more bold moves and want conviction to factor heavily into my decision-making.
  • Intention – I had a great conversation with a founder who recently retired. He shared his views on his intentionality as he starts his next chapter. He has a great perspective and he’s using some interesting frameworks. I hope to borrow from some of the things that are working for him.

Week seventy-two was another busy one. I’m glad it’s over. Looking forward to a nice weekend!