
Weekly Update (a New Format): Week Two Hundred Twenty

Weekly Update (a New Format): Week Two Hundred Twenty

This is my two-hundred-twentieth weekly reflection or update.

Three weeks ago, I changed my weekly reflection to a weekly update on a current project. For more on why I made this change, see here.

Current Personal Project: Reading Books about Entrepreneurs and Sharing What I Learned from Them via Blog Posts and Audio Recordings Distributed as a Podcast

Metrics (since 4/1/24):

  • Total audio recordings published: 56 (+7)
  • Total blog posts published: 76 (+7)
  • Average recording: roughly 12 minutes (+0) for a biography or autobiography

What I completed this week:

  • Read the biography of Wayne Huizenga
  • Had three additional feedback sessions—I missed my target by two; it’s the third straight week I’ve missed this goal
  • Compiled and sorted feedback from sessions completed the week of 6/3/24
  • Began implementing Amazon affiliate links for books
  • Partially edited one of the Jim Simons series using Descript—I missed my target by five


  • Audio content changes: Tested doing five episodes for Kirk Kerkorian instead of three

What I’ll do next week:

  • Read one biography or autobiography
  • Write seven blog posts and record seven audio posts
  • Compile feedback from sessions completed the week of 6/10/24 and identify insights
  • Finish editing Jim Simons series using Descript
  • Complete five feedback sessions
  • Update links in podcast and blog with Amazon affiliate link
  • Write a blog post explaining my decision to use Amazon affiliate links


  • Listen to my most recent audio recordings and provide feedback on how I can improve them

Week two hundred twenty was another week of learning. Looking forward to next week!

FYI: I’m still playing with the format for this weekly update. I’ll add and remove stuff until I settle on a format I like.

Prefer listening? Catch audio versions of these blog posts, with more context added, on Apple Podcasts here or Spotify here!

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