August 8, 2024
Weekly Update: Week Two Hundred Twenty-Seven
Current Project: Reading books about entrepreneurs and sharing what I learned from them via blog posts and audio podcasts
Mission: Create a library of wisdom from notable entrepreneurs that current entrepreneurs can leverage to increase their chances of success
Metrics (cumulative since 4/1/24):
- Total audio recordings published: 92 (+0)
- Total blog posts published: 126 (+7)
- Average recording length: no recordings this past week
What I completed this week (link to last week’s commitments):
- Read a second biography about Billy Wilkerson, founder and publisher of The Hollywood Reporter and founder of the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas
- Had three additional feedback sessions
- No recordings this past week
What I’ll do next week:
- Distill and document one book
- Write and publish blog posts about one book: roughly seven posts
- Record audio podcast about two books: roughly ten recordings
- Publish audio podcast about one book: roughly five recordings
- Complete three feedback sessions
- Listen to the series on John H. Johnson and provide feedback on how I can improve.
Week two hundred twenty-seven was another week of learning. Looking forward to next week!
Connected Entrepreneurs
Connected Books
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