
What I Learned About My Motivations

What motivates an entrepreneur is important. The journey is tough and full of emotional highs and lows, and it usually takes many years. The right motivations help you make it to the finish line. Yesterday I wrote about my why, which is one of my motivators as an entrepreneur.

I’ve noticed a few things about my motivations over the years. I can have more than one at a time. But one—my why—always dwarfs the others. It’s usually the only one that I have strong convictions about. Historically, I’ve been happier with decisions based on it. I call it my one-to-one rule, and it simplifies my decision-making and how I move forward. When I’ve made decisions to satisfy more than one motivation, it just hasn’t turned out as well.

My motivations change over time. I originally was passionate about helping automotive consumers because I was a car enthusiast (still am). Now, it’s helping entrepreneurs (small and medium-sized businesses). Why? Material things matter less as I mature. I still love cars, but not as much as I love people. These days, I’m motivated to help people I can relate to.

Motivations are important. They helped me stay the course during my entrepreneurial journey. Do you know what motivates you?