
Where I’m Learning: Weekly Sources Worth Sharing

I’ve been making daily learning a top priority for the last few years. Some time ago, I shared how I approach daily learning (see here). That list is still relevant, but the prioritization of the items has changed. I aim to read a biography a week, so that’s the method I focus on most. But I do a lot of other learning throughout the week. For example, I challenged myself to learn the big concepts around marketing (see why here) and have consumed a ton of information. I now have a better understanding of the big marketing concepts and how marketers think.

I’ve recently started creating notes documenting what I’ve learned, and from what sources. I’ve been sharing some of that with founders and friends. They’ve found it helpful. In blog posts, I share what I’m learning from books—but not non-book learning. I want to find a good way to share on my blog the best non-book information I’ve consumed.

I haven’t settled on how to do this, but an idea I’m thinking about now is a weekly list of the top five to ten sources I consumed that week and what I learned from them. I don’t want to keep good information to myself. I want to get into the habit of sharing more useful sources from which others can learn. I just need to figure out how to do it in a way that’s not a huge lift so I can do it consistently. I’m open to ideas. If you have suggestions, send them my way.