
Where Will the Puck Be?

Not long ago, I had a conversation with an advisor. He has way more experience than I do in life and in business. He’s been extremely helpful, sharing his experiences to help me navigate deep waters. I’m very appreciative of his counsel. As we caught up, we discussed what we have planned for the future.

He was excited about the prospects of a new company he’s about to form. Sounds good, right? Sure—until you know that the market he’s going after doesn’t exist. No one knows anything about the space . . . and I do mean anything at all. I asked a few questions because I couldn’t get my head around what he was talking about. Then it dawned on me. On the basis of his experience and product knowledge, he’s predicting the future. He’s skating to where he thinks the puck is going to be.

Think back to 2007. Most of us didn’t imagine that social media, delivery apps, or many other things we use every day would be as dominant in 2020 as they are. What’s funny is that in hindsight, it seems obvious. As a society, we were increasingly becoming more digital, our networks were becoming more dispersed globally, and we were carrying mini computers in our pockets. Entrepreneurs who can recognize changes as they’re occurring, make gutsy predictions, and work to capitalize on the opportunities they envision are a rare breed.

I’m not sure what even the near future will look like, but I’m very confident that it will look different. New habits and routines are being established. Some norms (January’s!) will no longer be viable.

All this rapid change offers rare opportunities to people with vision and moxie. Skate to where you think the puck will be. You might be the only one out there for a while, but if you’re right you could score a life-changing goal.

Connected Books
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