May 18, 2024
Why My Recording Habit Failed—and What I’m Doing About It
I didn’t record or publish a single audio version of my blog this week. The reasons don’t matter. I failed to do something I committed to doing, and it’s been nagging at me for two days. I expected the audio launch to be like the blog launch on March 9, 2020. I started writing daily and haven’t stopped since.
Today I reflected on what I need to change:
- Accountability – I launched the written blog as part of a 60-day challenge with my friend. The challenge was an accountability tactic and helped me form my writing habit. I need to add more accountability to this audio project. I’m going to tell more family and friends about it. I’ll ask those interested in following to consider subscribing via a podcasting app. I’ll also give those interested permission to ask me how it’s going.
- Rhythm – I’ve been trying to do two audio recordings every other day. That didn’t work because I never formed the habit. The gap between recording days hurt me. My personality is best suited to zero days off until the habit is formed. I wrote for 60 days to form that habit. Now I need to record for 30–60 days straight to form the audio habit.
- Format – I tested reading my blog posts verbatim and summarizing them in a more conversational format. The conversational format sounded better, and I tried to do more of that. It was a mistake. I’m new to recording, so I ended up doing multiple takes for a single post, which was frustrating and time-consuming. I need to start simple and read the posts verbatim. Slowly I can make each daily post a little better than the day before until it’s more conversational—or whatever format I settle on. I need to focus on getting the most recording reps possible, not making each recording perfect. If I do this, over time, the quality will improve. It will be painful to listen to all my mistakes every day in the meantime.
- Editing – After a few recordings, I edited them to make them sound better. That was another mistake. It wasn’t a good use of my energy and time because it didn’t align with my goal. My goal is reps and continual progression. I’m not going to edit a recording until this habit is fully formed. I’ll publish each post as is or rerecord the whole thing if I don’t like it.
It's important to me to form a daily audio blog habit. It’s a stepping-stone to a bigger audio project I want to do. I know what I need to change going forward to increase my chances of getting this habit entrenched and making the bigger audio project a reality. Wish me luck!
You can listen to audio versions of my blog posts on Apple here and Spotify here.
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