
Work–Life Harmony vs. Balance

I listened to an interview of Scooter Braun recently. Scooter has had a wildly successful career in the entertainment industry. He’s credited with discovering Justin Bieber, and he managed several other top entertainers. He recently sold his firm, Ithaca Holdings, for $1 billion and acquired Quality Control, one of the most successful rap labels—which happens to be in Atlanta—for around $250 million.  

Braun shared advice he’d received from Jeff Bezos, founder of, on work–life balance. Bezos thinks you shouldn’t have to balance two things you love and that harmonizing them makes more sense. To do this, he communicates to people in his personal life how much he loves what he’s doing at work and what the latest developments there are. At work, his team knows how much he loves his children and what’s going on with them. The idea is to integrate and harmonize your work life and home life by making everyone feel in the loop, part of what’s going on in the parts of your life they can’t see. If you must miss a work event because of something child-related, everyone understands because they’re in the loop and know your children take priority.

Braun went on to share that for many years he kept his work and personal lives very separate but cared deeply about both. This ultimately created issues in his life because, as he put it, “it was like being married to two different people,” which wasn’t fair to the important people in his life.

I’ve been more of a balance person historically—I tend to try to keep work and my personal life separate. Sometimes it’s worked and sometimes it hasn’t. The advice Braun received from Bezos definitely resonated with me. It has me thinking about sharing more about the important parts of my life with people who are important to me. I’m naturally a private person, so I want to harmonize in a way that feels comfortable, given that trait.

Here’s the clip of Braun sharing what he learned from Bezos and how it affected him.