
Working from Home: ’21 vs. ’20?

Spring is here. More’s going on in Atlanta. As I talk with friends, I’m hearing that most of them are planning to travel before August (if they haven’t already). They’re happy about the weather and plan to be outside as much as possible. Most don’t intend to return to the office until fall (at the earliest).

When the pandemic began last year, many companies moved to remote work. To their surprise, many teams were just as productive working from home as they had been in the office. This high productivity likely gave leaders comfort, and they embraced working from home in some form for the foreseeable future.

I’ve worked from home a few days a week for years, and I love the flexibility it gives me. I am curious about the productivity, though. Last year was unusual. Large parts of the country were limited for months. People couldn’t do much else—maybe that’s why they were so productive?

I’m curious about how work-from-home productivity this spring and summer will compare to the same periods last year. With so many people wanting (understandably) to be out and about, will productivity drop?

Regardless, I think working from home is here to stay, and I’m excited that more people will get to enjoy the flexibility it offers.