
Working from Home: Week Ten

Today marked the end of my tenth week of working exclusively from home. Here are my takeaways from week ten:

  • New work normal – I’ve been thinking about what this will mean for me. Working exclusively from home probably isn’t sustainable. I want to start experimenting with new ways of getting things done that feel safe over the next few weeks.
  • Video – Video has been great, but I’m beginning to wonder if there’s another communication method.
  • In-person meetings – Someone proposed meeting outside with proper social distancing. Not sure how I feel about that yet.
  • Productivity – I’ve found that can be productive at home, but my productivity isn’t as consistent as when I’m working in an office. I have more off days.

Week ten was a positive week. My big takeaway: think more about what my new normal for work will be.

I’ll continue to learn from this unique situation, adjust as necessary, and share my experience.