
A Great Headline Is Powerful

I’ve been learning more about marketing recently. Last week I finished reading the second book about David Ogilvy. He was a famous advertising entrepreneur who founded the agency Ogilvy & Mather. One of the points stressed in both books is how important a headline is.

Most people will read an ad’s headline, and then some percentage will read the rest if the headline catches their attention. David focused on the headlines because he understood that people will never read the body of an amazing ad if the headline isn’t effective. Great ad content alone doesn’t sell products—there must be a great headline too. Most people focus on the former, but the latter is equally, if not more, important.

I want to improve at thinking about and writing the equivalent of headlines. I’m going to practice with titles for my blog posts. I write these daily, so it’s a good way to get reps of something that David said matters more than people realize. If I get good at this skill, I’m sure it’ll pay off in ways I can’t imagine.