
How One VC Investor Fit Work into Life

Earlier this week I shared my thoughts on people being less inclined to fit their lives into their work. Here’s a little more on that. I recently spoke with a venture capital investor at a prominent West Coast fund. She shared that she’d reevaluated where she worked. She concluded that the West Coast, with no support system and her aging parents thousands of miles away, wasn’t conducive to a good life with a young family. She ended up moving back to her hometown and working remotely, with the firm’s support.

I’m glad she was able to make a move that works for her family without limiting her options professionally. It’s encouraging to hear that her firm embraces this for her and other team members. I’m curious to see how venture firms react once they realize founders are making similar evaluations. Founders are likely to want to build companies in locations that suit their personal lives rather than relocate to be closer to Sand Hill Road.