January 26, 2025
Last Week’s Struggles and Lessons (Week Ending 1/26/25)
Current Project: Reading books about entrepreneurs and sharing what I learned from them
Mission: Create a library of wisdom from notable entrepreneurs that current entrepreneurs can leverage to increase their chances of success
What I struggled with:
- No material struggles this week
What I learned:
- Keeping the momentum going on projects is important. I lost momentum but got back on track this week with focus video meetings. See more about this here. Lesson learned: don’t lose momentum.
- Diagrams and charts that explain my thinking are helpful to others, especially developers. Creating them forced me to think through things that I might not have if I’d just had to explain verbally. Also, a lot of people are visual learners.
- I want to attend a conference and show the early version of the product to a few people at the conference. This conference deadline has motivated us and forced us to focus on what can and must be done before the conference. Lesson learned: Targeting industry events is a way to heighten focus and intensity. See more here.
- I need to share my posts about the biographies I’m reading on other platforms. Links on other platforms to my blog posts aren’t effective today.
- SEO is changing a lot. People are using ChatGPT and other AI apps to answer questions instead of going to Google. However, based on my testing this week, many of these AI tools seem to use Google’s search results to answer their users’ questions.
- I pitched the idea a few times this week. The problem statement I crafted over the holiday resonated with and excited listeners. That felt great. I need to trim the wording, but I can clearly state the problem, and people get it quickly.
- When Google’s Gemini releases new models, it doesn’t always make them available via API. The Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking Experimental model just got released and is impressive. I’m using it for personal things, and I love it. We tried to use it via API for this project, but there isn’t an API for the model yet.
Those are my struggles and learnings from the week!
Connected Entrepreneurs
Connected Books
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