
Weekly Update: Week Two Hundred Fifty-Two

Current Project: Reading books about entrepreneurs and sharing what I learned from them

Mission: Create a library of wisdom from notable entrepreneurs that current entrepreneurs can leverage to increase their chances of success

Cumulative metrics (since 4/1/24):

  • Total books read: 47
  • Total book digests created: 15
  • Total blog posts published: 294
  • Total audio recordings published: 103

This week’s metrics:

  • Books read: 1
  • Book digests created: 0
  • Blog posts published: 7
  • Audio recordings published: 0

What I completed this week (link to last week’s commitments):

  • Read John Train’s Money Masters of Our Time, a biographical anthology about seventeen public market investors
  • Updated class diagrams showing proposed linkages between various classes (tables) in the database
  • Successfully extracted the first data type from a book via code—my developer friend led this and wrote the code to do what I envisioned
  • Created UI for MVP—my developer friend wrote code to make this match the requirements I documented

What I’ll do next week:

  • Read a biography, autobiography, or framework book
  • Create a comprehensive system instruction to guide LLM through a defined workflow
  • Get feedback on the problem, vision, and mission statements from two seasoned entrepreneurs
  • Create a concise hypothesis statement  
  • Share the draft taxonomy with two people
  • Continue linking blog posts about the same book
  • Continue updating descriptions for blog posts about the same book


  • None

Week two hundred fifty-two was another week of learning. Looking forward to next week!