
Weekly Update: Week Two Hundred Twenty-Two

Current Personal Project: Reading Books about Entrepreneurs and Sharing What I Learned from Them via Blog Posts and Audio Podcasts

Metrics (since 4/1/24):

  • Total audio recordings published: 71 (+8)
  • Total blog posts published: 91 (+7)
  • Average recording: roughly 14 minutes (+2) for a biography or autobiography

What I completed this week (link to last week’s commitments):

  • Read the autobiography of Sam Zell
  • Had four additional feedback sessions: I exceeded my target by one
  • Compiled and sorted feedback from sessions completed the week of 6/17/24
  • Drafted questions I want to answer for every book I read


  • Audio content changes: I lengthened each recording by two minutes and tested increasing my energy level by using lots of hand motions as I record

What I’ll do next week (holiday week):

  • Read one biography or autobiography
  • Write seven blog posts and record seven audio posts
  • Compile feedback from sessions completed the week of 6/23/24 and identify insights
  • Attend podcasting conference
  • Start reading one of the books about storytelling that I purchased


  • No asks this week

Week two hundred twenty-two was another week of learning. Looking forward to next week!

Prefer listening? Catch audio versions of these blog posts, with more context added, on Apple Podcasts here or Spotify here!

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